This fish looks like a giant salt water Croaker. Like a world record. Surprised by the similarity.
The Croakers down here do travel into fresh water.
Sheepshead are quite different down this way. Chunkier with distinct horizontal black bands. Human looking teeth, incisors and molars.
And eat mostly hard shelled crabs, barnacles and bivalve clams off of pilings and reefs.
OK, after some research I see there is a often an argument about sheepshead and I remember being involved in a debate with a northerner as a kid.
Catching Sheepshead in Florida on a pier. Northern fellow wanted to know what I was catching. I was like 12 years old, been catching them for years already. A skill.
Told him 'Sheepshead' and a friendly debate followed.
Here it is 50 years later and I now know why he had a difference of opinion.
The pier was on the Atlantic ocean and the 'Yankee's' populated the pier heavily. Yankee's could NOT catch the elusive Sheepshead lol.
They cussed, only to get their bait stolen. Me LMAO.
Me a kid and bringing them in by the dozens fishing next to them with my Sheepshead hooks and stiff short rod.
My Grandmother(Mema) watching thru the corner of her eye was trout fishing next to me(the fisher lady) laughing along with me.
Mema a bit too old to lean over the fence and drop line close to pilings, and set hook so hard.
Croaker, some call it a black drum. Sure nuff looks like northern Sheepshead.
found this, a New York Sheepshead
This is the Sheepshead we are used to catching. It bites once, a short nibble. master bait thief. Saying goes, "Must set hook just before bite".
Best to use barbless thick gauge hooks with a thick stiff short pole to set the hook very hard into it's solid bone mouth.
Barbless hook to have sharper tapered point to penetrate their hard mouth.
Fights like a bull and a delicacy out of the frying pan. Ultimate fish to catch.
Must drop line a few inches from piling for best results.
Do NOT put finger in his mouth. Clam crusher jaw strength. Mandibles for crushing.
Sheepshead this size is about all you want to handle. Will snatch pole out of your hand. Like hooking into a dragster for first 20 seconds.
One of the fastest accelerating fish known.
Recommended hooks
and sand fleas